#FiveSentenceFiction – Beauty “Upon Reflection” (Rated R) #flashfiction

This story has implied violence, and would not be suitable for younger readers.

Lillie McFerrin Writes

Lillie McFerrin hosts a Five Sentence Fiction competition on her blog. This week’s theme is Beauty.

Here is my R Rated entry, which is inspired by the picture this week:



“Upon Reflection”
by Dr. Mike Reddy (@doctormikereddy)

“It was Sir Thomas Overbury, in 1613, who first said ‘All the carnal beauty of my wife is but skin deep.’,” I informed her matter-of-factly, “but it’s often misquoted, implying all beauty is superficial.”

The bitch didn’t seem that impressed, as she wouldn’t meet my gaze, preferring to stare at the knife.

“You see,” I whispered, lifting her head so she had no choice but to look at the reflection in the mirror, “I need to know that you are beautiful on the inside too, worthy of my affections.”

“There’s only one way to do that,” she sighed defiantly, “You’d have to skin me…”

“That WAS my first thought,” I admitted, playing with the rather blunt blade, “But upon reflection that would get messy, so we need an alternative.”

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