the definite article – a story for Jessica West that doesn’t contain ‘the’

the, Definite Article
None of it is real. Nothing here is real. Whether reality ever was, or if there ever was a definite article is not a question worth answering. I can see grass, gone to seed…

“gone to seed” seems a phrase I am familiar with. It seems a failure, a criticism, even though (I assume) it is what a grass plant wants (desires? yearns? exists?) to achieve.

…and other plants sprout from stony ground, which my memory (?) tells me is a clay, but with much humus – Is that a word? I’m imagining leaves dropped, decayed, broken apart by weather and insects and time, being churned into earth by worms – due, if apparent cause and effect are to be believed,…

They’re not!

…to all around me there being large trees. Some ancient. Some planted, seemingly, as a crop of some kind. These latter are coniferous, my internal voice is telling me. I wonder where all this information is coming from. Why whoever is sending it to me thinks it is so important for me to know these things. I can see it all. I can smell it. None of it is real.

Lambs with mothers reek of piss and droppings and – thank you inner voice – milk. A dog that displays knowledge of me sniffs me impatiently, as I smell it (her?) in turn. My voice tells me she (!) stinks of ‘dog’. She wanders away a short distance, as I have not done a thing I should have done. I assume that is what it is.

Cause and effect.

I hear short sharp sounds, rhythmic and repeated. My voice wants to label them as birds, and be done with it, moving on to another thing to classify. Hasty voice. Why can I not sit here all day, just listening? So many different sounds. All just ‘bird’ my voice repeats to me. Yet there are others.

A whirring fast moving one, which moves from ear to ear and back again.

Bees. Flies! Insects!!!

A low far off rumble that never stops, nor wavers in its distant origin, but changes subtly as I lie here; wherever ‘here’ is.

Buses. Lorries! Cars!!!

A persistent whisper, accompanied by hairs dancing on my arms and head.

Air. Breeze! Wind!!!

A dog – I think it is one I saw before. Just now, my voice tells me: Don’t you remember? – has come to me. Its sounds are not pleasant, like wind or birds or even far off vehicles – An odd word. Thank you, voice, for sharing it – sharper than bees, but higher in pitch than birds. It is scratching at my chest.

This harsh feeling is also unpleasant.

After a time, though, she stops – I need to remind myself that this dog and one I saw earlier are likely to be one animal. That makes sense to me. My voice seems happier that I have reached this conclusion – and sits down next to me. Sounds from her are longer now, but still uncomfortable. I wish she would stop and let me listen to birds and bees and far away vehicles. And wind. I seem to like wind. It is cooling, when I feel both hot and cold right now. Hot in my arms and legs. Cold on my back – Voice tells me that is because I am lying on wet earth – and both hot and cold in my head.

That seems wrong somehow. I do not want to think about that.

I feel warmth on one side of my face. Voice tells me that if I lie here for a long time, that warmth will burn me. What do I care, I reply. None of this is real. However, part of me would like that warming light on my back. My spine is aching, lying here unmoving. My voice tells me that this is normal; that I have a problem with my spine that won’t go away, that doctors cannot fix. I wish it was warm though, as it stops me from seeing and hearing and smelling all this non-stuff, all this ‘not real’.

This annoys me. I want to experience this ‘not inside me, but outside’ where nothing is real.

A dog is here – Yes, voice, it is probably identical if not startlingly similar to one who was here earlier – but this one is not making noises. I am cheered up by this ‘turn of events’…

‘turn of events’ seems such an odd thing for me to think. I wonder at my internal language. Something… a word? … is missing. I can feel a hole in my mind where it used to be. Like a Black Hole only being seen because of light being absent from nearby stars. Where did that word go? Was it alone when it left?

… but her wet nose is cold on my face, even while her breath is gusty warmth. An odd mix. A hot wetness runs down my cheek to meet it. This wetness is salty. I do not know if a dog’s wet nose is salty, but this new wet feeling, which started at my eyes, rolled into my mouth. That was salty. My voice tells me it should be salty, and that is perfectly normal. I am not sure that I believe this. I have a feeling that this salty wetness is not a good thing.

I think that, of all things here that are not real, this is one I would like to ignore right now. I think that is best.

A warmer wetness is spreading beneath my back as I lie here. It feels as if it is carrying my own heat away, but my spine seems less cold now, which is a blessing. In fact, warmness and that ache seem to all be mixing together. I can smell a sweetness from it, which seems familiar. My voice, finally, seems silent; not wanting to classify this one. All very strange. Yet peaceful. None of this is real. Not anymore. Not for me.

This story was written in the style of a six minute story (flash fiction – see for details) with minimal editing, mostly just straight out writing from start to finish. The story doesn’t contain the word ‘the’ (apart from ironically in the title) as a deliberate exercise; I am reliably informed that this was the brilliant idea of Justin Arnold (@themightierpen on Twitter). It was also a challenge thrown down to me by Jessica West (@West1Jess on Twitter) in the full gaze of Galen Sandford (@galensanford) who runs @6minutestory and helps us flash fiction writers everywhere.

#AudioMo – 7th July “T.M.B.T.L.A.s” a #6minutestory @6minutestory

AudioMo – 6th July “The Old Sea and the Man” a #6minutestory #audiomo

A Fete worse than Death – Story Update 2

The Story So Far…
Arthur, the janitor arrives back at school refectory and meets Mr White and Mr Sanderson, who confides in the pair that “Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.” The school seems to be roughly split between two camps; those that have had their 1to1s with the new Head and those that haven’t. The only notable exception appears to be Leaf Carterton, who’s acting his usual bullish self it seems.

After the lunch break, Marvin and Albus head for Ms Less and an uncertain future. It is Marvin’s time to meet the Head. Arthur is left to clear the Refectory, only to realise his son never came to claim his lunch pail.

The mystery doesn’t take long to resolve itself as Ian (or Indy as he’s known) runs across the auditorium, hotly pursued by a dripping wet teacher; some prank? The boy disappears, leaving his pursuer behind.

White and Woods, the school secretary, are in the outer office when the Head, seemingly aware of the situation with the boy’s trick, asks for his mother to be contacted. Sanderson’s meet and greet is cut short as Carterton pushes in. At the same time, the Sheriff is observed pulling in to the school grounds.

Some questions have arisen. What is happening (if anything!) to the teachers? Why can some not recall the recent Fete? How did the Head know something had happened to/with Indy?

Father Malcolm has a few hours to kill before his tea appointment with Ms Less at 4pm. He decides to spend this time reading Rudge’s History of the Town, particularly the Mythology chapter.

The Story continues…
Follow @TwAdven and #twadv on Twitter to read the next instalment…

A Fete worse than Death – story update 1

The Story So Far…
Arthur, the janitor and Mr White, ex-acting head for Sunnyside School meet with Ms Less (“Ruth when we’re off duty”) the Ministry-approved new Head Mistress at the end of the school fete.

The new vicar, Father Malcolm comes at the tail end of the festivities, and Ms Less asks him to join her on stage and in prayer for the future of the school. Malcolm is only mildly dented by Arthur’s taunts over the violent deaths if his two predecessors. His faith, it seems, is rather strong.

After the short staff meeting the various teachers are left to enjoy their weekend, prepared for 1to1 meetings with their new boss on Monday. Some attempt to put it off, but most are scheduled by Mr White for their “15 minutes of fame” while Less asks Arthur to fit an old mirror, a family heirloom, in her office on Monday.

After a handy bit of handy work Arthur pops home as usual for a break with his wife. They discuss folk music and a sudden cheerfulness among the staff. The “new broom” is certainly sweeping clean! Addy asks him to deliver their son’s lunch, which doesn’t quite arrive at school intact.

Albus White oversees several staff come and go from their “meet and greets” with Ruth, also noticing a change in attitude and motivation among the staff, with the possible exception of the bully Leaf Carterton. Pursuing one or two leads, his suspicions are raised when people seem confused over the fete.

White and Arthur meet in the refectory, where Mr Sanderson approaches them with an observation that all is not right at Sunnyside School. Addy texts an odd story about the history of Sunnyside, but that hardly seems relevant right now. More important things are happening, but what they are seems vague.

Father Malcolm receives an invitation to tea from Ms Less, Monday at 4pm. However, as he spends the morning after a rather disappointingly quiet inaugural Sunday evening service the day before, he wanders the village square introducing himself.

Rudge, Sunnyside’s fourth oldest inhabitant (by all accounts) confronts him conspiratorially, but later regrets his rashness. Pursuing the fleeing pensioner, Malcolm is directed to “read up about the town.” He buys a copy of Rudge’s History of the Town from Mrs Spencer, the shop’s oddly prescient keeper, and sets off for his study at the chapel.

Pausing to admire (?) or worry about the curved steeple that only faith is keeping aloft (or so it seems…) Malcolm enters his office, thrusts partly written sermons aside, and proceeds to read about Sunnyside’s distant past.

The Story continues…
Follow @TwAdven and #twadv on Twitter to read the next instalment…

Dr. Mike Reddy