Just a quick post as I’m internetless. Theme this week is “Dispossessed”
And the image prompt:
Go here to post the video or post the text as a comment here or on the FaceBook group
Now back to unpacking!!!
Just a quick post as I’m internetless. Theme this week is “Dispossessed”
And the image prompt:
Go here to post the video or post the text as a comment here or on the FaceBook group
Now back to unpacking!!!
The old sat on the park bench and admired the crimson-orange dance of fading sunlight. Darkness fell and he felt pangs of hunger. Time to go home!
A young woman opened the door and stared at him suspiciously. Eventually, she took pity on the dispossessed old man. In the ensuing chaos, she discovered that trinket in his pocket. She located his family by posting a picture of the trinket.
The only thing he was dispossessed of was his memory.